Covid-19 updates

Covid-19 updates

The spread and increase of the corona virus epidemic in Italy and the rest of Europe has inevitably led to the adoption of restrictive measures to restrict the transport of passengers and goods by sea.

Our reservation centre for Toremar works hard to ensure that your numerous requests are answered quickly.

We are aware of the problems that this unprecedented situation brings with it. This is why Toremar has decided to accommodate passengers who prefer to change their travel plans:

    - the amendment fees in case of ticket changes will temporarily be waived;
    - in case of cancellation of the trip, a voucher will be issued for the full value of the ticket, applicable for bookings and departures up to 31.12.2021.

On board

Our priority is to ensure the health and safety of passengers and crews on board our ships.

For this reason, we are in constant contact with the relevant authorities and health departments to implement the best strategies to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Below are the preventive measures taken on our ships:

- All ventilation/air conditioning systems on the ships have been set up in such a way that the air present in the spaces is continuously renewed at 100% compared to normal operation.

- All extraction systems have been set up to discharge 100% of the air directly into the external environment.

- On board, disinfectant dispensers for hand cleaning are available in the crew areas and in the public areas available to passengers.

- The crew, equipped with masks and gloves, will attempt to maintain a safe distance of at least one meter between passengers.

- In all public areas, disinfection will be carried out precisely and punctually using specific and approved products. Disinfection cleaning is carried out with particular attention in the bathrooms, as well as on tables, handles and handrails.

- The sales points are closed.

This is in accordance with the Italian Prime Minister's decree of 12 April 2020 and we will of course implement any future changes in this regard without delay.

On all our ships it is possible to consult the information on the 10 rules of conduct indicated by the Italian Ministry of Health.