Passengers are advised that, only after presenting a complaint to
Toscana Regionale Marittima S.p.A. ¡V Toremar, Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico
Piazzale dei Marmi n.12 int.2, 57123 ¡V Livorno
Fax: 0586.224624
and waiting 60 days from its presentation (for trips from Italian ports or those arriving in Italy from ports outside the EU),they may contact the Autorità di Regolazione dei Trasporti under the provisions of EU Regulation n. 1177/2010 on the rights of passengerstransported by sea or on inland waterways using the telematic system (SiTe) on the Authority's website, or the form to be sent by registered post to Via Nizza, 230 - 10126 Turin, or by email to one of these addresses:
If the passenger does not receive a response to the complaint within the above-mentioned deadline, he may use the out-of-court dispute resolution procedure and file a complaint with the Traffic Regulation Authority in a second instance.
We inform you that you can use the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Platform) platform, managed by the European Commission, to resolve disputes with Toremar regarding tickets or other services you have acquired as a consumer. This platform is available here.
In the event of a delay in the transport company's response to the complaint, the passenger is entitled to automatic compensation in accordance with point 5 of Resolution No. 83/2019 of the Transport Regulatory Authority, which is available at the following link: